Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nerdy Little Dishcloths, Featuring Dr. Who

I've been watching a ton of "Dr. Who" lately, as well as "Torchwood." So I decided next on my knitting to-do list would be a tribute of sorts. Behold the Tardis dishcloth, and a Dalek. Perfect gifts for those sci-fi buffs in your life. Almost makes you want to do the dishes! ... or think about jumping time and space while doing them.


  1. thats cool! I might purchase one off you for my sister for christmas....

  2. Thanks guys. Just let me know what color you want. We'll be down for the holidays. Kelly, if you want it sooner, just let me know I'll mail it to you. I'm thinking $5 for the dishcloths. Let me know what you think.

  3. Sign me up! I'd love to buy one in Tardis blue...
